How Effective Are Teenage Boot Camps?

How Effective Are Teenage Boot Camps?

Can Boot Camps Turn Your Teen's Behavior Around? Your defiant, troubled teen can test you in ways you never expected. This can bring you to a point where you’ll actually consider sending that adorably disrespectful, unconditionally loved child off to a teenage boot...

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10 Reasons Why Teenagers Rebel

10 Reasons Why Teenagers Rebel

Attention: parents of rebellious teenagers! How many of the following questions have you asked yourself recently?  -Why does everything I try only push him away further? -What happened to my polite, respectful little girl? -Why does he take pleasure in pushing as many...

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Success After ERA

Success After ERA

Most often when adolescents arrive here at eagle ranch academy, it is not because behavioral issues developed overnight. In many cases, the family members are looking for answers that are long overdue. They fear their children’s future is at risk if the acting out and...

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