Is your son or daughter struggling?

Eagle Ranch Academy helps teens overcome abuse, depression, anxiety, gaming addiction, phone addiction, behavioral health, and lack of respect for authority.

Discover how the Eagle Ranch Academy Program can help your struggling teenager!

An ERA Student Turns Mentor

See how a troubled teen turned his life around and became a mentor.

Eagle Ranch RTC is a choice based program. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of troubled teens. Our purpose is to affect the lives of young men and women and their families in a way that creates an attitude of giving rather than taking, and provides a solid foundation for a productive and fulfilling life.

Since we are a Choice Based program we use Core Value Behavioral Change Model. We teach and emphasize eight basic core values through Individual, Family, and Group therapy.

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“The 8 core values at Eagle Ranch Academy helped me become the man I am today. I went from a kid with no self-worth; I couldn’t stand myself or other people, and just wanted to be alone in my room and sit in my own sorrow.”
To Everyone at ERA: I had to tell you this, but two days ago I got accepted into business school (Carlson School of Management) at the University of Minnesota!! This last year I have been taking classes for the prerequisites. (Calculus, Business Statistics, Financial accounting, calculus 1, micro/macro). They only take 150 people a year, so I am freaking out that I got in! Part of the process of applying is writing an essay on something that changed your life, and I wrote it about attending ERA/working at ERA, and I think they really like that!”
-Former Female ERA Program and HS Graduate

We would love to discuss the needs of your child. Our admissions counselors have spent a life time working with young people and their parents. From your first phone call, to well after your Child completes our program, we will be with you every step of the way.

Why a professional Behavior Analyst chose Eagle Ranch Academy

Michelle, a Behavior Analyst, found ERA to be the best residential treatment center for her child. Michelle was looking for help with her teen and ERA turned her son around.

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Eagle Ranch Outcome Report

Parents ask…What is the success rate of Eagle Ranch Academy? Here is a comprehensive report. on our success to Troubled Teens.

Highest Rated Residential Treatment Center For Teens

“ERA didn’t change who I am, ERA changed how I think”

Your child’s time at Eagle Ranch Academy will be life altering, and for some… life saving.

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ERA Stories

Stories written by students at Eagle Ranch Academy.

Your child’s time at Eagle Ranch Academy will be life altering and for some life saving. 

Life is Co-ed. It’s important for struggling teens to learn, practice, develop and internalize core values as well as appropriate social skills and behavior in a Coed environment. ERA is a Coed program (fully integrated from 8 am – 8 pm)

ERA uses a Choice Based Program.We use a core value behavior change model. ERA offers a safe, controlled Coed Therapeutic Environment with 24/7 awake supervision.

Eagle Ranch Academy Sponsors and Endorsements.

Montel Williams, Jamie Martin, and Larry King InView TV series are endorse ERA.

When I heard my former coaches were running a Youth Program I thought how perfect. Then I thought how fortunate any young person would be to spend time with these great mentors. Their parents will believe it is a GODSEND.
Jamie Martin -

Former NFL Quarterback St. Louis Rams

"Get help for your Teen. Fill out the form to gain access to our Information Packet and get help!

or call or text 1.888.698.7095