Scholarship and Funding Options

Scholarships Programs

Partial scholarships are available which will go to the monthly cost of your child’s enrollment.  Contact an Admissions Counselor (888-698-7095) to get additional information on our scholarship program.

In addition to the monthly partial scholarship, Eagle Ranch Academy will award a $1000.00 scholarship to ERA Program Graduates, to be used upon enrollment at a university, junior college, or trade school of their choice.

Funding Options

ERA provides assistance in billing your insurance company, and any reimbursement from your insurance will be credited to your account. Please note that this billing service is for your convenience, but Parents/Guardians are still responsible for the full monthly payment via credit card, debit card, or check the 1st of each month.  You may also take advantage of an additional discount if you pay 6 months in advance.

We have several lenders that we work with and will contact them on your behalf to see which would be the most appropriate for you. Call an Admissions Counselor at 888-698-7095 to discuss the different funding options.

Students may enroll at any time during the year – Programs are individualized. The student evaluation is thorough – But very simple and quick. to accommodate Students that may need to enroll on a crisis basis.

Upon students acceptance to ERA – parents will receive a complete Parent Pack & Check List with all the necessary details; and one-on-one consultation with our Admissions Director to ensure the process is simple and quick.

Parent Pack includes:
• All necessary forms
• Transport/escort service information
• Intake process information
• List of personal items needed and/or provided
• Important contact information
• Other