Is Your Son Or Daughter Struggling?
Eagle Ranch Academy helps teens overcome drugs, anger, violence, theft, school truancy, lack of motivation, disruptive behavior, depression, anxiety, and lack of respect for authority? Call Now (888)-698-7095Watch the video and see how a struggling teen turned into a Mentor for others. We help struggling teenage boys and girls change their destructive behavior.
“The 8 core values at Eagle Ranch Academy helped me become the man I am today. I went from a kid with no self-worth; I couldn’t stand myself or other people, and just wanted to be alone in my room and sit in my own sorrow.”
See why a professional Behavior Analyst chose Eagle Ranch Academy for her child. The #1 Residential Treatment Center.
“ERA didn’t change who I am, ERA changed how I think.” -16 year old ERA graduate
Eagle Ranch Academy Accreditations

We would love to discuss the needs of your child. Our admissions counselors have spent a life time working with young people and their parents. From your first phone call, to well after your Child completes our program, we will be with you every step of the way.
Eagle Ranch Academy Sponsors and Endorsements. See what Montel Williams, Jamie Martin, and Larry King InView TV series are saying about ERA.

When I heard my former coaches were running a Youth Program I thought how perfect. Then I thought how fortunate any young person would be to spend time with these great mentors. Their parents will believe it is a GODSEND.