accept-yourself-and-othersACCEPTANCE: I will Accept who I am and not seek the Acceptance of others.

Accept yourself and others. First, and most importantly, accept who you are. Know yourself inside and out. Become the individual that you always dreamed of becoming. Accept failures, whether or not they are your failures, and prosper from them. Acceptance will push you towards success and will help you adapt to any situation.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we like to focus on what acceptance means to these teens as well as accepting each other as individuals. We stress the importance of why and how we can accept ourselves and others. Being able to accept is like being able to adapt to whatever situation may come your way.

Here are three essential steps when it comes to developing acceptance.

Step 1: Accept yourself

Be one with yourself. If you have flaws, accept them. Accept what you believe in. Accept what your gut instinct tells you. Accept your mistakes. Proudly accept your accomplishments. Accept what you dream of and don’t ever label it nonsense. Once you are able to accept yourself and everything about you, you can accomplish whatever you think is possible. And fortunately, anything is possible.

Step 2: Accept others wholeheartedly

Once we have learned how to accept every aspect about ourselves, we should be able to accept others for who they are. Just by smiling at someone you can make them feel very accepted in the world. Accept others because you want to be accepted too. Everybody has flaws and nobody is perfect. We all need to accept our flaws because, as mentioned before, we learn such a large amount from our flaws, including our mistakes.

Step 3: Don’t fish for acceptance from others

If you make it apparent that you’re willing to accept everyone for who they are, chances are that acceptance from others will just come naturally. Accept yourself and others. Put good karma out there and it will come around – just like hard work will always pay off. If we fish for acceptance, then we’re clearly seeking acceptance for the reasons that may not be true to us.

Once we can fully grip what acceptance means to us, we have the ability to make anyone feel comfortable in any type of situation. We all need to feel like the sky is the limit because we all have potential. Along with acceptance comes faith. Faith is key when it comes to acceptance. Have faith that you can accept ANYTHING, no matter what it is.

Learn about acceptance inside and out and what it means to accept yourself and others, whether it’s for your own sake or someone else’s sake. You will be astounded by what you can and will begin to learn about everyone, including yourself.

Learn to Accept Yourself and Others | Eagle Ranch Academy